5 – 10 Minute No Equipment Tabata Workout At Home – [A Video]

Tabata workout

A Tabata workout at home is that which increases aerobic and anaerobic capacity, resting metabolic rate and can also help in burning more fat than by doing the normal aerobic workout. The best thing about the Tabata workout is that it can be done anywhere and that too without any types of equipment. It’s only 5 to 10 long so it’s perfect for helping you make these exercises a daily habit and overcome a sedentary lifestyle.


Check out the video below for more exercises that will definitely help you burn a lot of fat.

Here are some more exercises that needs to be done:

  • Lateral step pull
  • Arm cross side lunge
  • Burpees
  • Hip external rotation
  • Boat twist

The moves in this workout are simple to do but cause some seriously heavy breathing which is important since 20-second work intervals don’t allow much time for gradually building up your heart rate. After the workout have some good supplements like the hgh energizer.

HGH supplements can certainly help you get rid of your belly fat, only when you combine it with regular exercise, healthy eating, and an overall healthier lifestyle.

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