Exercises to Fight the Adverse Effects of a Desk Job – Infographic

office exercises

You must be in love with your job as it’s interesting, rewarding and challenging. But you know what, It can also be dangerous to your health too. Office spaces are set up to require little movement. Besides increasing weight, these 9 to 5 sitting jobs can also increase the strain on your back, eyes and neck,wrists, can result in a general loss of muscle tone and stress as well.

What to do..?? How about fighting the adverse effects of desk jobs with some easy exercises..?

Below is the infographic by 9Round describing all the exercising you can try and fight the adverese effects of 9 to 5 sitting jobs

exercises to fight the adverse effects of a desk job

It might seem like a lot when you look at is a whole, but it’ll just take 20-30 minutes a day without breaking a sweat. And its worth to spend that much time on it as it’s countering all of the negative effects of that desk job, and keeping you healthy overall.

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