5 Yoga Poses For A Lifted Butt – [An Infographic]

Yoga for butts

Yoga is one of the effective exercises that help in toning your body. There are some best yoga poses which helps in toning the body, especially the lower body, that too without using any equipment’s other than your own body weight. Besides toning, these Yoga poses help in strengthening your muscles and give your body flexibility, which cannot be accomplished with regular Gym workouts. Another great thing about Yoga is that it not only burns calories but also improves your metabolism.

Below are few yoga Asanas that increase your buttocks naturally.
1. Chair pose with heel lifts
2. Chair pose with twist
3. Cat pose with side crunch

Check out the Infographic below by “The Remote Yogi” to know more about the most effective Yoga Asanas that increase your buttocks naturally.

There are a variety of Yoga moves for buttocks enlargement, but only a few are worth your time. Yoga is a slow, controlled practice that focuses heavily on breathing rhythm and movement with the breath, and you can get some good practice at this initially. Every individual should know the basic yoga poses so that they don’t do it in a wrong manner. So practices yoga and achieve the desired body shape you wish for.

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