Beginner’s Yoga: Short And Easy 10 Minute Yoga Workout Routine – Video

Yoga workout routine

Most of the time, Yoga is understood as being limited to asanas (yoga poses). But, be it weight loss, a strong and flexible body and good health yoga has it on offer. Its benefits are only perceived to be at the body level and we fail to realize the immense benefits it offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is happier and more fulfilling.

There must be many people who want to get along with Yoga but because of less knowledge about the same, they can not proceed. Below is a video by Fitness Model Golden Moeras, which gives a simple and quick 10 minute yoga workout session to improve flexibility for the beginners. Have a look:

Yoga is the traditional system of healing mind and the body. Infact, people use yoga for weight loss as well. Hence, a daily quick session of Yoga workout for all you people out there is recommended in order to keep you healthy, flexible and full of contentment.

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