5 Killer Stability Ball Workout – [An Infographic]

The stability ball is a great tool to incorporate into your exercises, especially when it comes to core work. Adding the stability ball workout can help your core to contract even more while exercising. It makes you stronger and your waistline slimmer. Try some quick ball workouts to challenge your core and work on building better stability. Exercises like crunches, plank steps, V sit up and many more.

Check out the infographic given below, to know more about the exercises which can be done with the help of exercise ball.
Stability Wall Workout

It’s important to keep your glutes squeezed while performing these exercises. Repeat the motion until your abdominal wall becomes fatigued. While you are doing the exercises, remember to keep your chest up. To get the most out of this workout, repeat at least 20 reps of each exercise. Once all five are complete, repeat the circuit three to four times for a true belly-fat burn.

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